This last year, CASA of Bradley & Polk Counties welcomes two new interns to learn about social work.

Laura Gibbs is a senior social work major attending Southern Adventist University set to graduate in May of 2023. She chose to study social work for the variety of options that it gives her to engage with people. 

“From working with individuals one on one to working with communities through non-profits like CASA, having a social work degree gives me tools to be a part of the change I want to see in making our communities safe and loving towards everyone,” shared Gibbs. 

Gibbs has been influenced even more through her internship at CASA to pursue social work. CASA’s relationship approach to advocacy is one of the biggest takeaways thus far for her. 

“From working with individuals one on one to working with communities through non-profits like CASA, having a social work degree gives me tools to be a part of the change I want to see in making our communities safe and loving towards everyone,” Gibbs said. 

Sarah Cole is also a senior social work major attending Southern Adventist University set to graduate in May of 2023. Cole was inspired to take up social work because of her desire for a field that was people centered. 

“When I discovered social work as a possibility, I knew it was the right fit for me. The social work values lined up with my values, and it was a career that would give me numerous opportunities to support people in a variety of different settings,” said Cole. 

During her internship at CASA, she has learned the importance of being present. 

“At CASA, we are supposed to meet with the children in our cases regularly to be able to foster a trusting relationship and stay updated on what is happening in the home and the child’s life. We cannot adequately advocate for the needs of the child if we are not present with them,” said Cole. 

Both Gibbs and Cole have been inspired by their professors at Southern Adventist to pursue and value humanity in people while completing their studies. They are both thankful for the opportunities to learn inside and outside of the classroom.